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Likes and Dislikes in the Sales Industry

As is the case with any type of business, there are a number of likes and dislikes in sales. In order to get the most out of the sales industry, these are things that both salespeople and recruiters should be aware of. Here are some of the top likes and dislikes in the sales industry to consider.

Key Sales Industry Likes and Dislikes

LIKE – Confident Salespeople – In the sales industry, confident salespeople are highly sought after. With confidence, comes great sales results. This is something that every sales company is aiming for. If you’re a sales company, you’ll want confident salespeople on your team.

DISLIKE – Unclear Products and Services – It’s hard to sell a product or service if you don’t fully understand what it is that you’re selling. It’s important for companies to give their sales team all necessary information. This will help to improve sales success.

LIKE – Clear Sales Goals – All sales companies should have clear sales goals; sales goals for teams to work towards and individual targets. Having clear goals set out drives productivity and boosts hard work. It’s common for sales companies to offer incentives to the top performing salespeople.

DISLIKE – A Lack of Teamwork – The best sales teams are those who work well together. A lack of teamwork can hinder success and it can lead to an uncomfortable working environment. The most successful sales teams are those with a strong bond.

LIKE – Great Communication Skills – A successful sales strategy is all about communication; communicating with potential clients and communicating with other salespeople. In order to convey key information, great communication skills are vital.

DISLIKE – Poorly Trained Salespeople – Not only do poorly trained salespeople fail to achieve results and boost revenue, but they also fail to get the most out of their role. It’s important for salespeople to be up to date with training at all times.

Regardless of whether you’re a salesperson or a recruiter, it’s important to consider the key sales industry likes and dislikes that we have mentioned above. To find out about how we pair top salespeople with top companies, get in touch with Fortuna.

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