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Tips for attending a video interview like a pro

Video interviewing is becoming increasingly popular, especially since the start of the pandemic. This was the only means of undertaking interviews for recruiters during this time, and many have realised the value it brings. It’s convenient, and you can interview anyone from anywhere in the world, which can really improve diversity in your workplace. With more organisations hiring staff to work on a remote basis, there is often no need for face to face interviews, so it can also be a cost saver. If you are new to video interviews, the thought alone can be quite daunting, but the main thing is to treat them in the same way as you would with a face to face interview.

These are some tips for attending a video interview.

Ensure your Technology Works

Video interviews can take place on a range of platforms, including Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom. It is important to find out what platform the interview will be held on and check you have it downloaded and working well in advance of the interview. You should also check your internet connection is good, and all is in order with your laptop/computer. The last thing you want is for your interview to be interrupted because your technology fails, although preventing this completely is impossible. Preparation is key in minimising any technological disasters

Reduce Distractions

We have probably all seen the interviews on TV where children or dogs pop in out of nowhere to interrupt, and although it is amusing, it is not going to help you land a job. Recruiters are busy, they don’t have time to wait until you tend to your children, or deal with a ringing doorbell during the interview. Distractions could make the interviewer wonder how you would cope with the job, especially if you will be working remotely. Find a quiet place in your home, make anyone within your home aware that you will be having an interview. The recruiter wants to have your full attention for the duration of the interview, and you can only do this by removing distractions.

Turn up Early

When you log into the meeting on Zoom, or some other platforms, you will be taken to a ‘waiting room’, where the interviewer will accept you when they are ready to get started. It is important to treat this just as you would with a face to face interview. If your interview starts at 10am, for example, aim to log in at 9:50am, so you are ready and waiting to start when they are. It may seem like this isn’t as important as it’s a virtual interview, but it shows that you are professional and that you take it seriously – virtual or not.

Smart Attire

Most people tend to wear their loungewear when they are at home, but you shouldn’t have such a relaxed attitude when it comes to your video interview. You should dress in the same smart attire as you would for a face to face interview, as this will show you are professional. It can feel a bit over the top to put on a suit to sit at home, but it is always better to be over dressed than under dressed. And don’t make the cardinal mistake that many do by wearing pyjama trousers and a smart top, as you never know when you might need to get up from your chair during the interview!

Good Positioning

The set up of your desk and camera is important as the interviewer will want to be able to see you clearly to properly engage with you. If you can, it is best to use a desktop computer, as this will be positioned at the right level, but whatever you choose, try to avoid doing it on your phone, especially if you need to hold it. You want to be comfortable and relaxed during the interview, and you won’t be able to do this with cramp in your hand. Good positioning is important, as well as the right lighting.

Stay Engaged

It can be more difficult to engage with people via video than it is with a face-to-face interview, so it is even more important to use positive signals to show you are involved in the interview. This includes nodding, smiling, and ensuring you listen to what the interviewer is saying. With a video interview, you have the added benefit of being able to take notes, but just make sure you don’t spend a lot of time looking down, as this will seem like you are disengaged from the conversation.

The key to a great video interview is to treat it in the same way as you would with a face-to-face interview. Stay professional and make sure you check everything is working, and you will be on the right road to a successful interview. If you are nervous about a video interview, practice with a friend or family member first.

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