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The best ways to research for an interview

When it comes to preparing for a job interview, there is a lot more preparation needed than a quick look on the company website. In addition to researching and preparing for the interview questions you may be asked; you should also conduct thorough research. The interview is a two-way street, it as much about you finding the right company to work for, as it is about them finding the right hire. These are some ways to research in preparation for your interview.

What they do

The website is the first place to check to get a general feel for the organisation and what they do. It will tell you a bit more about the industry they work in and their values, It is important that these align with what you are looking for. You are also likely to be asked what you know about the company, and most of this will be found on the website. If they don’t have a website, you may want to check their social media platforms to get some information.

The history

It is important to understand some of the company history, as it’ll give you a clearer view of how they’ve grown. For example, the business might have started in someone’s garage and grown to the point where they now have operations in 10 countries. They may have changed names and ownership several times or have had their best sales to date this year. These are all important facts to be aware of, which you can talk about during the interview. If the history of the company is particularly interesting, they will probably expect you to know this.


Every company has its competitors and a question related to this is quite common during interviews. If you are asked who their competitors are and you are completely stumped for a response, it shows you haven’t done much research. If you know who the competitor is, and a little about them, it will show an interest and will be sure to impress the interviewers. They may ask why you have chosen them, and not a competitor, by doing research you are in a better position to be able to answer.

Recent news

It is important to show that you have a keen interest in the company, and you can do this by looking at any recent news related to the organisation or the industry they are in. It may be that they have won a new contract, or they have expanded into another country. All these bits of information help when you are talking about the company during the interview and show that you have taken time to find out more about them. This is very appealing to a recruiter, as they want to hire someone who has a keen interest in them, as anyone would!

Identify the interviewers

It is a good idea to find out a bit about those who will be interviewing you, if possible. The interviewer’s names will usually be on the interview invite, and you can use resources like LinkedIn to find out more details. If you look at their previous experience, as well as any general interests they have, you might find some common ground which will help build rapport during the interview. You might discover that you worked in the same place, went to the same University, or even have some connections in common. These can all help with creating a relationship during the interview.

Check the reviews

You can use websites such as Glassdoor and/or Indeed to get a feel for how the company operates, and what the employees think about working there. If there are any common issues, you might want to cover these during the interview, but in a subtle way. For instance, if the reviews suggest that there are no opportunities for development, you may want to ask the interviews what their internal development programme is like.

Leaders in the organisation

It is also worth checking the leaders in the organisation, to find out if they fit in with the type of people you would usually aspire to. This will give you a good indication of whether this will be the right organisation for you, and it can also give you some useful information to use during your interview.

You may not be asked directly about what you know, although most interviewers will ask something related to this, but it is good to have knowledge behind you to use in your responses. For example, if you are asked about your goals and aspirations, and you can relate it to their values, this will help show you are aligned. Remember that the interview is about how you feel as well, so research will ensure you find the best fit for your needs too.

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