21 Apr A Constantine Law’s factsheet on furloughing: What it means and how to implement it
About the scheme
The stated purpose of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is to allow employers to claim for costs of employment “in respect of furloughed employees arising from the health, social and economic emergency in the United Kingdom resulting from coronavirus”. The scheme allows employers to place employees on ‘furlough leave’ by agreement and provides access to a grant towards employment costs. The scheme was announced on 20 March 2020. Guidance is being provided incrementally by the Government and we will continue to update this summary document.
“There is a lot of guidance being shared about the impact the Corona virus is having on British businesses. Reading these we are struck by how broad much of this advice is. Instead we have compiled a list of the top employment law questions companies like yours have been seeking answers to. We have produced a short, punchier, more direct guide than most that answers more questions. This is a time for direct answers to (sometimes brutally direct) questions.”
John Hayes, Managing Partner, Constantine Law.
What it means and how to implement it? Download the full factsheet below.
Thanks to Constantine Law – Employment solution at work.